
I am driven by the will of Lady Sylvanas. I will not fail.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So patch 2.3 is coming today, and there alot of good changes coming for my Hunter, good PvP changes i should say. I really want to be playing my hunter, i want to be farming Materials for engineering, to be owning people with a combination of my situationally overpowered class and ridiculously unorthodox skills.

But The Horde incurrsion has hit full swing, Noven and I are 52, Nindo hit 51 and is completely caught up, Theo should hit 50 tonight, and Darbie has taken over the mage, and is right inline at 50.

Short story long, We are all caught up and ready to push 60.. Should be there by the Christmas LAN in Canada.

The problem, I've already decided when my Warrior hits 58, my hunter will be effectively retired other than Once-a-week arena, and when Ash hits 70, I will never log on the hunter again. It makes me sad, retiring Reydan and Raipu. But Horde is my home now, Warrior is my class.

Its time to start learning how to abuse the mechanics of the Warrior in the same way I have learned to do on the Hunter.

Its going to be an interesting ride.